The Last Temptations

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July 2025


The opera The Last Temptations (1975) by Joonas Kokkonen (1921–96) is one of the most successful and popular Finnish operas of all time. 2025 will mark the 50th anniversary of its premiere. What better time to celebrate this landmark work than during the anniversary year of Olavinlinna Castle? 

The opera tells the story of the life and final days of the lay preacher Paavo Ruotsalainen and his wife Riita in the 19th century. In the opera, Paavo Ruotsalainen lies on his deathbed and relives the most decisive moments of his life in a state of delirium. The composer included the familiar folk chorale Sinuhun turvaan, Jumala (In thee I trust, my God) in the opera, where it plays an important role.


A landmark in Finnish opera


The role of Paavo was originally composed for Martti Talvela. In the new anniversary production it is sung by bass Mika Kares, one of the most successful opera singers in the world today. This will be the second major role for Kares in the summer of 2025, alongside Boris Godunov.   

‘Paavo Ruotsalainen’s thoughts on his deathbed, his account of a life lived and the somewhat dreamlike atmosphere of the work captivate us and feed our imagination. My direction pays tribute to the spirit of the centenary year, but is at the same time rhythmic and even playful’, says director Mikko Kouki.  

The Last Temptations is a co-production between the Savonlinna Opera Festival and Tampere Opera. 



Act I

Scene 1: Paavo's Deathbed

On a stormy winter night Paavo tosses on his bed in fever. He calls for Riitta, his deceased first wife. His second wife Anna Loviisa and servant Albertiina enter. They try to comfort Paavo by singing his favorite hymn. Paavo sobers up but shouting orders the women to leave for, as he says, to Heaven's gate he must go alone.


Interlude I

Scene 2: Riitta at the Dance

Paavo relives in his hallucinations key events of his life. In his youth he meets Riitta at a dance. Three men and three women mock him and warn Riitta not to go with Paavo, a madman, for it will only bring her misery. Nevertheless, Riitta decides to go with Paavo. Riitta calls for Paavo and encourages him, but he refuses and says that he must go the barrier of Heaven alone.


Interlude II

Scene 3: The Smith

Riitta takes Paavo to visit the smith who had instilled faith in him in his youth, blacksmith Jaakko (Jakob) Högman. Riitta accuses the blacksmith for compelling Paavo to wander around in revivalist meetings, leaving family behind to starve. The blacksmith retorts contemptuously to Riitta, but then adds that the gate of Heaven is open to those who suffer and toil. Paavo mutters that he is too weak to open the gate.


Interlude III

Scene 4: The Frost

Paavo and Riitta are at their first homestead by the lake. Paavo promises to build a new house, but a wicker gate ominously reminds him of the Barrier of Heaven which he dare not approach. The chorus comments how Paavo took Riitta to the backwoods to a life of misery. The white frost suddenly rises, threatening the crop. Riitta and Paavo together try to fight it to no use. In the struggle to move the air on the field they trample their baby underfoot.


Interlude IV

Scene 5: Juhana

Paavo's son Juhana is repairing his father's knapsack. Juhana is longing to get away from the dreary existence to a wider world. He dances at the thought and teases his mother. She snatches the knapsack away to hide it from Paavo, to keep him from leaving the family for his travels.


Interlude V

Scene 6: The Last Loaf

Paavo demands his knapsack back. Riitta shouts back complaining about him always wandering, not caring for work or family. Riitta threatens to kill Paavo to spare him the shame of starving his family. She hurls the axe at him, but misses. Paavo tries to explain and reconcile the needs of the family and the overriding importance of spreading the Gospel. He thinks that what he has done was in vain. He calls out for Riitta, but cannot find her.


Interlude VI

Scene 7: Juhana's Death Revealed

Village women come to the house. They look at the dent left by the axe Riitta threw at Paavo. They tell her in a roundabout way that Juhana has been murdered. They wonder why Riitta does not weep. She replies that she wept for him for three whole years. Paavo has been listening, and cries that all his life God has been scourging and punishing him with an iron whip, and he has deserved it.


Interlude VII

Scene 8: Riitta's Death

Riitta is dying three years later. She feels calm and remembers the happy illusion of the first homestead on the island, where Paavo used to sing thanks to God's blessings. Paavo is surprised: Riitta can give thanks. Yes, she replies, and sees the barrier of Heaven open in front of her. She asks Paavo to recite a thanksgiving hymn. He sings and Juhana joins in. Riitta rises and goes toward her son to Heaven's door.


Act II

Scene 1: The Assizes

Three men want to confound Paavo at the place where he once had to defend himself at the Assizes against charges of undermining the authority of the Church. They feed Paavo's depression and reveal themselves as his enemies. They humiliate his arrogance and taunt him with dancing girls. Paavo collapses in despair, but the chorus sings a hymn of encouragement.


Interlude I

Scene 2: The Fisherman

Riitta appears, calling Paavo to the Island. Paavo insists his calling to speak to the nation. "Into the sea of men I cast a net all flaming with it I search for sinful wretches.." Riitta repeats the call, but he insists he must speak at the graduation ceremony in Helsinki.


Interlude II

Scene 3: The Graduation

At the University graduation Paavo wants to go as an invited guest, but three men and three women stop him. They tell him he is uneducated idiot who has no business at the University ceremony. Paavo retorts that he has read religious tracts since he was a boy. He hears his own hymn sung and tries to address the academics. Paavo tries to follow the Bishop of the North, but is rejected. He calls out a prayer.


Interlude III

Scene 4: The Call to the Island

Riitta calls Paavo to the Island. He resists. He doubts he would be welcome. Finally he yields to Riitta's pleas, but objecting he is but a wretched sinner.


Interlude IV

Scene 5: The Dead

Paavo is praying for forgiveness. The blacksmith appears, encouraging him, then Riitta with a thanksgiving, then Juhana, singing the Lord's Prayer. It is time for Paavo to settle accounts of his life. His time has come.


Interlude V

Scene 6: Paavo's Death

Paavo is lying on his bed in the cottage. He is still tossing around and crying. Gradually he comes round, surrounded by family. The three men and three women who have tormented him turn out to be his daughters and their husbands. Paavo recognizes that his time has come. He makes sure that his will is in order, and tells his family to plant a prickly tree on his grave, for he has been the prickliest of men. He asks the servant to read to him from the favorite tract, and begins to sing his hymn. Everyone gradually joins in; Paavo goes quiet and listens. He hear Riitta in the distance, calling him to the Island. Paavo praises God. He knows that he has overcome.

Program and cast

Composer: Joonas Kokkonen

Librettist: Lauri Kokkonen

Conductor: Ville Matvejeff

Directors: Mikko Kouki

Set designer: Teemu Loikas

Costume designer: Tiina Valkama

Chorus master: Jan Schweiger

Savonlinna Opera Festival Choir
Savonlinna Opera Festival Orchestra

Language: Finnish

Surtitles: Finnish and English

Duration: approx. 2 hrs 40 min, incl. one interval


Mika Kares: Paavo Ruotsalainen

Silja Aalto: Riitta 

Johan Krogius: Juhana

Petri Lindroos: Jaakko Högman

Tuomas Miettola: 1st Man

Laura Malmivaara: Anna Loviisa


VIP/ ”Aitiolippu” is an all-inclusive service that provides the following:

- A private entrance to Olavinlinna Castle
- Seats in the Box of the Opera Festival, offering a good view to the stage and quick access during intermission
- A private space for VIP/ Aitiolippu guests before the performance and during intermission in the Central Hall
- Dedicated restroom facilities for Aitiolippu guests
- Savonian delicacies, also known as “sapakset” during the intermission
- Greetings from the Opera Festival management during intermission
-A welcome package including the performance program and souvenir from the Opera Festival

Olavinlinna Castle

​The Savonlinna Opera Festival performances are held in two locations. Main location is Olavinlinna Castle.


Olavinlinna (Swedish: Olofsborg; literally St. Olaf's Castle) is a 15th-century three-tower castle located in Savonlinna, Finland. It is the northern most medieval stone fortress still standing.

The castle is built on an island in the Kyrönsalmi strait that connects the lakes Haukivesi and Pihlajavesi.


Transport to Olavinlinna

Transport to the opera performances and concerts is provided (for a charge) from the main Savonlinna hotels to the Castle and back.
18.00 Malakias Summer Hotel (Hernemäki) 
18.10 Tott Hotel 
18.15 Seurahuone Hotel 
18.20 Spa Hotel Casino and Vuorilinna 
18.25 Pietari Kylliäinen Hotel 
18.30 Olavinlinna Castle, Linnankatu stop.

The return journey leaves the stop on Linnankatu for charter buses near the Castle 15 minutes after the end of the performance. 

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